[Liste-framonde] FRAMONDE APPELS D'OFFRES (emploi) 04 09 06

Patrick Chardenet patrick.chardenet at auf.org
Mar 5 Sep 15:53:39 EDT 2006






TAIWAN - UNIVERSITÉ PRIVÉE DAYEH - Département des Langues Européennes 

Qualification : Titulaire d'un doctorat en FLE ou en traduction/interprétariat ou en linguistique. 
Date d'entrée en fonction : 1er février 2007 - durée du contrat : un an renouvelable 
Location géographique : dans le centre de Taïwan près de Changhwa 

Poste de professeur de français:
Nombres d'heures/semaine : 9 heures de cours + 4 heures de présence à la disposition des étudiants. Outre l'enseignement, les fonctions incluent des activités de recherche. 

Documents à fournir : 
1 Diplôme de doctorat (si obtenu en dehors de Taïwan, il doit être authentifié par le bureau de représentation de Taipei à l'étranger - en France ce bureau se trouve rue de l'Université à Paris). 
2. Copie du relevé de notes (si le diplôme n'a pas donné lieu à remise d'un relevé de notes, fournir une déclaration sur l'honneur de l'absence d'un tel relevé). 
3. Certificat professionnel (par exemple certificat de professeur-assistant) ou un exemplaire de la thèse de doctorat. 
4. Curriculum vitae (incluant les cours enseignés). 
5. Liste des publications. 
6. Lettre de recommandation (une au minimum). 

Les candidats sont priés d'adresser leur candidature par courrier recommandé à l'adresse ci-dessous et d'indiquer sur l'enveloppe le poste visé (professeur de français). 
Date limite de réception des candidatures : 09 septembre 2006 (le timbre postal faisant foi) 
Contact : Dayeh University Department of European languages Recruiting Committee 
Adresse : 112 Shan-Jiau Rd. Da-Tsuen, Changhua, Taiwan 51591 
Mèl : euld at mail.dyu.edu.tw 
Tel : 886 4 851 1888 poste 6051 Ms. Chen 
Fax : 886 4 851 1615 
Site web : http://www.dyu.edu.tw/~euld 



Tenure Stream Faculty Position

Department of French and Spanish

Deadline to Apply: Thursday November 30, 2006

Ryerson University is known for innovative programs built on the integration of theoretical and practically oriented learning. More than 80 undergraduate and graduate programs are distinguished by a professionally focused curriculum and strong emphasis on excellence in teaching, research and creative activities. Ryerson is also a leader in adult learning, with the largest university-based continuing education school in Canada. 

The Department of French and Spanish invites applications for one tenure-stream faculty position, at a rank commensurate with experience, commencing August 1, 2007. We are looking specifically for applicants who, in addition to teaching French language courses from introductory to advanced levels, can also teach in French and in English in one or more of the following areas: (a) French literature and culture (nineteenth century, twentieth century and/or contemporary); (b) post-colonial French or Francophone literature, culture and theory. In addition to teaching French to non-specialists, our department also offers students the opportunity to specialize in French within the unique, multidisciplinary B.A. in Arts and Contemporary Studies (see http://ryerson.ca/arts+). We are interested in candidates with a proven commitment to teaching. Applied knowledge of the use of multimedia technology in the language classroom is essential. The ideal candidates will have demonstrated a capacity for research, a commitment to administrative service, and a sound track record in teaching. The successful candidate will have a PhD in French or Francophone literature (related disciplines may be considered) or be near completion. 

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, teaching evaluations (if available), and three letters of reference (sent directly to the Chair) to: Dr. Kathleen Kellett-Betsos, Chair, Department of French and Spanish, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3. Although the competition will remain open until the vacancy is filled, only applications received by November 30th, 2006 will be guaranteed full consideration. Ryerson University has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women. Members of designated groups are encouraged to self-identify. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. 

Ryerson University has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and women. Members of designated groups are encouraged to self-identify. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Marco A. Fiola, C.Tr., C.Term., Ph.D.

Department of French and Spanish

Ryerson University

Tel.: 416-979-5000, ext. 4695



Patrick Chardenet
Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
Chef de projet Langue française, diversité culturelle et linguistique
BP 400 Succ Côte-des-Neiges
Montréal (QC) H3S 2S7
+ 1 (514) 343 66 30
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